Sunday, September 16, 2012


Hi! I promised yesterday that there will be some dresses on here in the next few days and I PROMISE they will-but first I really wanted to share this with all of you. I just finished it today after working on it the last few days.
The background behind it was basically that I said I suck at working with water colors-so I have to practise. So I chose my imagine and started working.
First I sketched the outline with a pencil. To help me with the proportions I drew a grid on both my drawing paper and the photo I was copying from (a very useful technique I learned from my amazing art teacher). Then I started coloring with the watercolors. Probably the most important thing I learned is that it is all about the amount of water you take. If there is not enough on the paper, the colors won't blend and you'll have lots of sharp edges. If you have to much everything will start getting blury and the colors will go all over the place.
And as with everything-it is all a matter of practise :D
xoxo Alex

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